Sunday, December 4, 2011

Numerology (short) experience

The last two days I attended a Leadership and Team Management course in UTAR. The facilitator was a professional leadership trainer and speaker. He was very motivated and passionate in his way of delivering- Captain Arivanathan, a former ship captain. Besides teaching and showing us how to be a good leader, he also had the ability to do numerology. The numbers were based on your birth date and it was based on a traditional Indian system; plus he included palmistry. Strangely enough his reading were strangely (and a little creepy) true. This is what he interpreted when he read my numbers:

  1. I am a creative thinker and innovative one too.
  2. I think differently from other people.
  3. I like to cook, and when I do, I go by taste.
  4. I have skin problem.
  5. I do things with passion if I really want to do things.
  6. My initial (or early on in life) love life will experience a lot of problems but it gets better over time.
  7. I might have a problem of having a hard time getting children BUT
  8. I am active and good in bed (That is what he said).
  9. I would be rich in my latter part of life (NOTE: not stated what kind of wealth).
  10. I have a problem with friends, that none will last with me for a very long time but I would have met many-many people; friends go in and out of your life.
  11. I talk fast.
  12. (through palmistry) I am very hot-tempered and can't keep my anger long.
  13. Deep thinker.
That's about it. Overall, I think it is rather true for most of them. Especially describing my personality, most of it does reflect how I am. Accurate or not, at least he got me interested in this kind of study for now.

What do you think, do those description match me?