Sunday, December 4, 2011

Numerology (short) experience

The last two days I attended a Leadership and Team Management course in UTAR. The facilitator was a professional leadership trainer and speaker. He was very motivated and passionate in his way of delivering- Captain Arivanathan, a former ship captain. Besides teaching and showing us how to be a good leader, he also had the ability to do numerology. The numbers were based on your birth date and it was based on a traditional Indian system; plus he included palmistry. Strangely enough his reading were strangely (and a little creepy) true. This is what he interpreted when he read my numbers:

  1. I am a creative thinker and innovative one too.
  2. I think differently from other people.
  3. I like to cook, and when I do, I go by taste.
  4. I have skin problem.
  5. I do things with passion if I really want to do things.
  6. My initial (or early on in life) love life will experience a lot of problems but it gets better over time.
  7. I might have a problem of having a hard time getting children BUT
  8. I am active and good in bed (That is what he said).
  9. I would be rich in my latter part of life (NOTE: not stated what kind of wealth).
  10. I have a problem with friends, that none will last with me for a very long time but I would have met many-many people; friends go in and out of your life.
  11. I talk fast.
  12. (through palmistry) I am very hot-tempered and can't keep my anger long.
  13. Deep thinker.
That's about it. Overall, I think it is rather true for most of them. Especially describing my personality, most of it does reflect how I am. Accurate or not, at least he got me interested in this kind of study for now.

What do you think, do those description match me?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Those Hands.

Those Hands,
never let me go.

Those Hands,
help pull myself up when I fall.

Those Hands,
guide me through the unknown road.

Those Hands,
hold me when I need reassurance.

Those Hands,
comfort me when I lose myself.

Those Hands,
rests on my shoulders when I'm in doubt.

Those Hands,
are around me when I need a friend.

Those Hands,
point to me the path I need to take.

Those Hands,
taps gently on mine when I lose myself.

All through my moments of joy and grief,
All through moments of confidence and doubt,
All through my moments of peace and anxiety;
those Hands are there; never letting go.

At times I don't hold back those Hands
but never have those Hands left mine.
For that, I kiss those Hands, the Hands which has been pierced for me.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

By the Lake.

I stare into the darkness,

Alone by the lake,

Sounds of the birds at night,

whisper of the wind.

I see her standing there,

her face facing me,

I see her sweet smile, smiling at me with such loving eyes.

I stand up,

turn my head away,

I cannot let her see my tear.

She comes to me,

kisses me on the cheek,

slowly she fades into the darkness.

Here I am, by the open lake, under the night sky, a few stars and the cool breeze of the night.

I sigh and wiped my tear away.

I am all alone, she wasn't here.

She is in a better place, with a better someone.

I will never lose her, as long as she is still in my heart.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Taat, the Malay word for respect, honour and loyalty.

Khairol Azman stared blankly at the white washed wall. His back against the opposite wall, the narrow hallway he was in had two doors at the end of it. One was where he came in, the other is where he is waiting to enter. The 12-feet long hallway had one small window facing the garden outside. Khairol's hand began to sweat, he anxiousness was starting to overcome him.

"You can come now", the voice came from a shadowy figure behind the door Khairol wanted to go in. He stood up and walked towards the door, his wrinkled hands grasped the cold doorknob and opened the door. He walked in and bowed towards the man sitting in an armchair the middle of the room. "Sit down", the man that was at the door said. Khairol took the other armchair facing the man in the middle of the room.

But before he sat, he knelt down towards the man and kissed his hand. He then took his seat, shifted himself in a slightly more comfortable position. "Raju, offer our friend here a drink, he is our guest" said the man in the armchair to Raju, the man that was behind the door. Immediately Raju, took a teacup and saucer and placed it on the side-table between the two sitting men. He poured some black tea for Khairol. Khairol looked at him and smiled. "Come, drink, you are my guest" said the man in the armchair. With his withered hands, Khairol carefully took the teacup, blew into the hot drink and sipped it slowly; he placed it back, and with a slight sigh he sat back.

"My friend, you asked to see me, what can I do for you? Try to relax, you're in good company now" the man in the armchair calmly said. "Tuan, I'm sorry for coming on such notice, I know it has been such a long time since we met, times these days are harder and harder. I have never been in such a position like this" Khairol's voice suddenly trailed off, he covered his face with his hands. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath and continued, "Tuan, I will lose my ladang if I don't pay my mortgage up. This land belongs to my grandfather, suddenly the bank comes in and issues me a notice, I don't know what to do", again his voice trailed off, and this time it came with tears.

The tuan, sat there slowly nodding his head. He looked at Khairol. "What do you want me to do? Pay it up for you? Lend you the money? Talk to the bank?" asked the tuan. He then stood up, placed his hands on the shoulder of the old man, he then lifted Khairol's chin and said "For years, I have never heard from you, you were once the main provider for rice for this family but after you got richer, which is only a little rich, you forgot about your friends"

"Please tuan, I will do anything, do this on our friendship" pleaded Khairol Azman. The tuan's eye grew large. He went back to his sit. He looked at Khairol, he forwarded his right towards Khairol. The old man knelt before the tuan and kissed his hand; "Remember this day, Khairol, for you are my friend, I am helping you, your loyalty shall always be with your friends especially the ones who help you in most troubling times". Khairol nodded and stood up, he bowed and took one last sip of his drink. "Thank you tuan. Thank you Tun Lionel", he quickly turned his back and went towards the exit, Raju opened the door for him. As soon as Khairol was out the door, Raju closed the door and locked it.

Tun Lionel Rzumi Wong, sat down now looking at Raju, "Tell, Salleh of this, he'll know what to do". Raju nodded and exited the room. The Tun leaned back into his armchair. He took a sip of the golden liquid in his glass. He stood up and walked towards the room's window, it was facing the outside garden.

He was the Tun. People needed him and he needs the people. He isn't a man in office, but is strong enough to own them.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Petty feelings of Affection.



The heart is a fragile thing,
it longs for the feeling of love,
never it can be without emotions.

Who does one go for?
What is the heart wanting?
The choices are many
but ultimately
only one is chosen.

Does one go for the one,
in waiting
the lonely
the hurt
the fascinated
does one don't go at all
focus on what's more a priority?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It came and gone.

It is 22nd May 2011. We are still here, continuing our lives as usual. Doomsday predictor Harold Camping said that there is 'No plan B' on the destruction of Earth on the 21st. Well, Mr. Camping, not to be offensive, we are still here, the world still exist as it does. Yes, the end of the world came for some orphans at Hulu Langat but that was very unfortunate. May they rest in peace. But for the rest of us, our lives still needs to go on; we can't do anything because the isn't here yet. So much, for the destruction. Next up, we will have to wait for 2012.

Moving to a more close-to-home issue, given 3 times for the engine to die, is already considered sympathetic but given 9 times is saint-like; and even that you are still able to fail, what chance is there to get your driver's license. Yes, I have failed, or lets put it, didn't pass my driving test. It's a shame and now, just have to lessen up on the feet. At least no road accidents caused.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A takeover?

Christianity is to become the official religion in Malaysia.

Before you start getting all excited and jittery, read again. And again. Does anyone in their right mind think that the Christians would want to make Christianity as the official religion in Malaysia? Why did such an issue ever rise in the very first place? We Christians understand and tolerate* every other race and religion in Malaysia, we wouldn't be as ignorant as to come up with the idea of making Christian as the official religion. Furthermore, it has been stated in black and white that Islam is the official religion in this country, who would dare challenge that? The Federal Constitution (by right) cannot be challenged or questioned, so why would we want to that in a country governed by constitutional and federal law?

No one can deny the Islam and Christianity is an Abrahamic religion. This makes us brothers in a way; and in both religion we are taught to respect and look after our brother, if this so then we would look after each other's back. This issue has become racial because of some people's opinion that having a global prayer event would be planning a mass takeover of a country. Critically speaking, we Christians wouldn't want to take over the country, we don't have the power to do so.

So, I ask my Muslim brethren, do you really think that we are that mad to rebel against our own brothers, you?

Being a student, the youth of Malaysia and being a Faithful of Christ; it sometimes makes me wonder, why would the authorities, to whom we trust, bringing up such sensitive issues? Everyone should be mature enough to think that Malaysia strives as a multi-racial country, and this is one of our prides; if we destroy this aspect then what else do we have?

Insensitive people and radicals should not be involved in this issue, let some intellectuals and wise-men in. What happens if we have extremists in this issue? A group of them would think to the extreme that the opposing force is all-out to get them, then they go mad and attack the opposing force who didn't even plan anything in the first place. And the price to pay: the fall of unity in Malaysia.

I am praying that we can get a mutual understanding among each other. To my Muslim brothers and sisters, we both know that our religion is about peace and harmony, for a greater future in the after life; quarrels between us are inevitable but lets work harder to lessen the friction. The pastors and priests in the event were just having a prayer, a unity between God and man, this is where everyone is invited to speak to Him; discussions of this sort would be futile and contradict what we are praying for. Besides that, the government allows anyone in Malaysia to spread their faith in anyway providing that they do not disrupt the harmony of others. For all that we know, the people who (initially) started this issue a) misinterpreted the true purpose of this prayer b) wanted to (purposely) get at some one and\or c) never understood the true meaning of faith.

*Tolerance= the ability, willingness, or capacity to allow the existence or occurrence of a matter without interference. Maybe others should to learn this because this is what 1Malaysia is all about, and those who are officially dealing with this issue should look at it and learn as they are promoting it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter Vigil.

This pictures were taken during Easter Vigil mass, 2011.

The candidates; who are about to believe in the faith, stand in front of the congregation while the priest prays over them.
The path to the Altar.
From left to right, The altar boy holds the microphone for the priest, Deacon Martin overlooks the procession and Fr. Rajoo blesses the Candle of Easter in Holy Water.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Eurasian Affair 2.

Meeting a family member after a long time can be exciting. Some feel terrified and there are times when people are reluctant to do so, no matter how long they haven't met their family member. At first I myself was a little nervous in seeing Lt. Col (or uncle) Ed after many years and his wife (my aunty); the chills ran through me, what am I going to say when I see them, can I offer my hospitality and not hostility to them as guests at my home? Petty worries, in the end it all turned out to be a joyous time together with my mom's elder brother.

You see, being a Eurasian has its own unique way of life, we have always the fusion of the Western and Eastern culture in our everyday lives. Some of our homes are a typical arrangement of an English man's house and the other room is just as messy as any kindergarten. In addition, some of us are too one-cultured favoured till we lose the opposite culture's way of life. The combination of the multi-culture in our bloods make us proud to be called Malaysians.

Anyway, having the uncle and aunt around excites the nature of my home. Having them (or having any extended family members) creates the atmosphere of story-telling, hobby tips, old-to-young advises and of course a pinch of gossip. We sit in the living room for hours and share stories that sometimes have no relation to one another, example: the Chinese boy in the neighbourhood used to be cycling around selling 'roti', and remember Aunty X who married that man from UK who's cat your grand-uncle looks after. Talking about your granduncle, how is your sister-in-law who converted last year. I just love this, takes some time getting used to though. Furthermore, when we get together, the elder will always give wise advice to the young ones, and the men of course will give their advices: treat a girl well, then she'll cook for you, even if she can't don't bother or else you'll never get to eat again.

When guests come over, we chiak (Hokkien word meaning 'to eat'), no matter what, food and drinks becomes the axis of interaction in a gathering. We take them out for an Indian lunch, a Chinese dinner and Eurasian-Malay-Indian lunch the next day. See, we're a fusion of culture. A few drinks maybe at night, and goes again the sharing of time with each other.

The family is always being the centre of concern for us and God being the foundation of everyday life. Also, there is the learning curve in which we the young ones learn from the old and the old learn a little from the young. We never bore of each other, and another thing is, we quarrel occasionally but which family do not? The witty jokes always brighten a solemn mood where a solemn mood always calms the overjoyed moments. Call us mix, we enjoy life as hard as we can, and we strive hard to make it in a country where our race was born.

Forgive me for the unorganized flow of the essay and the minor grammar mistakes here and there. This is just a mere insight on how this minority race in Malaysia go about our lives.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Eurasian Affair 1.

It's Easter! And what do Catholics do when it is Easter Sunday? Besides praying; they feast! They eat and drink around a round table and share stories, joke around and a little gossip included. After 6 weeks Lent and going through the Holy week, Good Friday we finally enjoy ourselves. Easter is a time to laugh be jolly and have fun; not forgetting the resurrection of the Lord of course.

Having lunch with the aunts and uncles, always brings entertainment. A table of 9, at a Chinese restaurant, an 8-dishes lunch, feast! Prior to eating, stories from the elderly always come up, about whose aunt is whose daughter that is married to that uncle's brother which is your grandmother's sister which is my sister in-law. That's is one more thing about Eurasians, it is hard to marry one, especially you yourself is a Eurasian, because somehow or another we are all related*.

Next, looking at our lunch table, you'll see a true blend of Malaysia. We have a mix, of Chinese, Indians, Caucasian (look-alike) and Malay (look-alike). People that pass our table give a strange stare at us, surely at the back of their minds they are saying, "What are these people?". Oh well, we're a mix of the East and a little of the West, so we're Malaysians!

Furthermore, getting together over lunch, with people which you are (somehow) related to, and had all kinds of backgrounds, you'll find that the talking and chatting is longer than the eating. We spoke before the coming of the food came- we feasted, the food gone, we continued talking. Well, I guess that goes much for everyone's lunch date.

No doubt, it is very interesting when one can observe a typical Eurasian family at lunch or dinner. There's always a mix of faces and colours, always one (or a few) then can speak three or more languages (including multiple dialects of Chinese: Hakka, Teo Chew, Hokkien, Cantonese), never-retiring business man, man from the army, Church women and of course the youngest one. Next time, when you're in a Chinese restaurant at around a Catholic festival, lookout for this kind of table, you'll be surprised.

*This brings to my theory of that I (or any younger generation Eurasian person) shouldn't marry another Eurasian because somehow or another we are all related. Example, at lunch today, the Chinese 'aunty' with us was my father's godparents' daughter, which is related to my mom by her brother-in-law who is my mom's cousin; to make it more interesting, she is one of the first in Malaysia mix-marriage.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Of golf balls and mayonnaise jar.

This is an interesting e-mail forwarded to me.

When things in your life seem , almost too much to handle,
When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his ...... class

And had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly,
He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students, if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively
filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The golf balls are the important things - family,
children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions –
Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, Your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car.

The sand is everything else --The small stuff.

'If you put the sand into the jar first,' He continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
You will never have room for the things that are important to you.


Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play With your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your partner out to dinner.

There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.

'Take care of the golf balls first --
The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled.
'I'm glad you asked'.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend"

Values of Friendship.

Life, no matter how sweet or bitter it is, we must endure and stay resilient. In these experiences; there is just some things that in life we must always never take for granted. I learned that one thing that we must always treasure and appreciate is our friendship. Friendships may sound light, but the value, of pure friendship is rare and sometimes, it takes a lot of time to find it.

I have learned that my friends are not here forever. This is why, it is important to keep them close to your heart and appreciate every moment with them. Only with them, we will feel secure because we know that no matter what they will be here for us. Should they abandon us, we must never do so, it is because then one day they will know how much they mean to us.

Beneath the arrogance and condescending attitude, I need my friends. I need them because, in a way they are the ones, that keep me going, the people in my life. To this, I realize that without them I am rather lonely and a little sad.

It is not my insecurity that makes me feel this way, but it is the confidence that my friends give that make me that they are other people out there who are worth keeping; and to keep them is to treasure them. I have lost friends before, and yet they give me the second chance, this is why I believe that these is who I have to keep. Never before this, it has occurred to me that everyone here can be relied on or even trusted.

"Friends come in and out of your life"

True. But some are to be kept forever.

In fact, there are many ways that one can lose a friend, a breakup, a denial, an abandoning, through time and even through death. Though I haven't loss any friend through death, but through spirit I have. And because of this, I have learned to appreciate the people around me. It is a heartfelt feeling when you know your friend is there, but you can't get to see him or her anymore.

Never lose touch when someones trusts you, treasure every moment with them. Although I may never be the one to show gratitude, but I am striving and learning. I have learned now, that I need them, I need my friends to stay afloat in life.

I am sorry,
I should have known better;
but sometimes emotions take place.
I wish you all the best,
remember me when you make a name,
and when you see-
an opportunity,
go for it.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Here is a theory.

When one finds another person attractive and have an affection to them, and the opposite party has the same mutual feelings; but one of the parties would not admit that affection, he\she will try to avoid the liking party.

Example A likes B. B likes A. A approached B and told B about how A feels towards B. B understands the feelings, but denies that he\she likes A. So to continue denying B own's feelings, he\she will try to avoid A at all costs.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Copied article from somewhere.

I got this article from some random Facebook "Like" page. A little weird but this is actually rather relatable.

He stares at you a lot, starts random conversations, he "hits" you. He mocks you to make you laugh.He calls you cute or pretty and it makes you smile. He worries about you and your problems along with his own.He is PROTECTIVE. He always stays close when he can. He looks STRAIGHT in your eyes. He listens to you and remembers the things you say. He will sometimes say something to remind you you've said it in the past.He takes pictures of you even though you say you hate it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Journey.

Part of our life's journey has been completed.

We just finished our PMR, we were all so excited with our results. Nothing could beat us down and we thanked heaves for giving us a break for the next year. We start having dreams of getting out of our school, proceeding to a greater and better school, we start having fantasy of ourselves being greeted by the world. We look at ourselves and say, let's bring on the big guy.

We enter Form 4. Nervousness strike us on whether we would be chose to enter the elite stream, we finally get a choice, a pinch of democracy to choose what we want to study. Dubbed as the "Honeymoon" year, we lay back and rest for awhile. We receive advices from our seniors that Form 4 isn't a year to rest, but to get your foundation up, but we rarely listen to that advice. We play pranks and we partied. We fell in love and we fought. Many of us left our schools and went to new ones hoping to get a better future. As the year approaches its finale, then our consciousness kick in, and we say time is running short.

The dreaded year, the final year in school. The big guy. From the very beginning we start to focus, not giving attention to other matters, we study day and night, burning the fluorescent light (midnight oil in modern terms), we shan't do petty nonsense. We enroll in more than two tuition classes, we avoid outings, we cease to enjoy. Then midyear comes, we slack a little, SPM is still a long way to go, we have fun, we relax, then ultimately our grades aren't that good. Then we realize SPM is just 3 months more. We go into gear and start sleeping with our books. Seminars, extra classes, "hot tips" circulate, desperation rises, we cramp our heads on what we are learning. A week more to SPM, our room lights are never off, we drool on our books and we the only thing on our minds are get As, get As, straight As. The dreaded D-day comes, it goes, and then it ends. We give out a sigh of relief, now we look forward on what are we to do for the next three months. Car? Work? Study?

January passes, February passes then March arrives. We pray more earnestly. We cross our fingers and our toes, we check the newspapers everyday to see when is it coming out, we have sleepless nights. Then after all that enduring the day comes. We don't sleep that night, we've lost our appetites and we get everything twisted up. We go to school on that day, we meet up with our friends; we laugh and share each other's experience over the past three months. The teachers exit the meeting hall, they lay the heavy stacks of files on the tables. The counters open. We line up, we get our results. And then, we see the tears, the screams, the joy, the laughter, the silence, the curiosity of one another and of course we see our teachers there. We look at each other, we shake hands, wishing one another congratulations, and at times wishing each other that this isn't the end. The hall quiet down, everyone leaves, life at school goes on as normal.

As for us, we now will have to move forward. A whole world is in front of us. We taste sweet victory for the past 11 years, and some us may feel remorse for the 11 years. But whatever it is, this is it, there's nothing you can do about your past, the only way is to look forward and beyond.

Congratulations to all my friends, your efforts paid off. Your labour is your own sowing; and now the world is yours. Don't ever feel bad or remorse over your work.

Thank you my teachers for giving us the guidance and making us study; our parents, and ultimately we thank God for giving a chance for us succeed.

Dedicated to:
all the Malaysian born in 1993 who took their SPM last year in 2010 and just got their results on the 23rd of March 2011.
And to you, my friend
who made my Form4 and Form5 life wonderful.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Night Ascending Chapter I

Christopher Pearl sat there on the bench by the walkway in the park. He closed his eyes, stretched his arms and leaned back. He took a deep breath and let it go. He was enjoying the cool wind on his skin, the cool evening breeze; then a subtle warm air crossed him. The air blowing grew warmer, then it got stronger. He opened his eyes and sat up straight. The wind blew strongly onto his face, he lifted his hands to block the wind. Then it died. The air was silent, dead silent. He stood up, something made him look behind. He turned, he gasped, then he collapsed.

I ran through the hallway as fast as I could, I was late again for the bus. Darn it, I tell myself that I have to wake up early every morning, but everyday I also tell myself, "Just a few more minutes". Then the next thing you know, a call from Muniandy, "Wake up! You're going to be late again".

This happens to me everyday. I run faster and faster; blur. The bus is behind me, I looked to my feet, look left. I shrugged and rubbed my temples. Ok, that was interesting. Then I raised my right hand for the bus.

As I got up the bus, the bus driver nodded and gave a light salute. He smiled at me and said "Well, I don't know how you did it, but you do run fast". I returned his comment with a nod and went to find a seat.

The only candle stood tall in the shadows. It was lit and was placed on the table. The glow of the candle made the things in the room cast an eerie shadow. The wooden door opened slowly, the figure that opened the door came in, he pulled a seat and sat down at the table where the candle was lit. He clicked his fingers, the door closed, the candle light grew brighter and the bookshelves that filled the room gave out a light humming noise. He stood up and walked to the only window there, he placed his palm outside the window. A lightning struck in a distance, the figure went back to sit with a smile on his face.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Question Answered.

Sometimes, we wander, why is this happening to me?
Why isn't life more fair?

We keep asking those questions to ourselves when things don't turn out the way we want. We go into grieve and start sulking about the many sorrows we receive. At times, people will lose faith and focus, they lose the sense of logic and rationality. The worst would be when one would fall into depression. Up to here, we think, why is this so, what have we done wrong that fate has to bite us back in this way.

This is life, reality kicking you in the face telling that nothing is ever real in that mind of yours. The reason that we receive such agony is because, this is what we call life. Life is never constant, it is ever changing; so what right do we have to think all will always go well for us. These are all the natural order of the universe, and so, sometimes when we are kicked and punched in the face, we just have to be strong and sometimes fight back.

It is the ones, that can handle the burden is usually the one who is shouldered with the responsibility. These are cues for us, to push harder to overcome all these problems. All we need is just a little resilience.

The answer came to me, when I asked "Why did it happen to me? Why is it in this way?", it explained that sometimes, we just need to be stronger and move on. This is reality, and it isn't as sweet as it tastes.

Then another side of me had to ask, what if the answer I got was a lie? Meaning, we ask why this happens or why did someone do this to me, and the response to them when we ask them why is "It wasn't me. I didn't know."

Then this is the time we will know, reality really hurts, especially when we have doubts of the one we care about.

Whatever it is, how good things are or how bad things are, life still needs to go on. There is not a point to wander about the past and grieve about it but rather to take it as an example to do better in the future.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Hopeless fool in Affection Part 2.

Part 2
Setting: School environment.
Setting: High school teenagers.
Setting: Early morning.

I sat up straight in my chair, I cracked my knuckles and gave a big sigh. I rubbed my temples and decided to stand up. I walked outside my class and stood at the corridor watching as some students come to school.

I looked at my watch, 7.18. The morning sky was still dark. I walked to the end of the corridor, and climbed down the stairs. I sat on the lower flight of stairs, some one was coming down. I moved a little to the left.

Another figure joined me, Foon Siew. He looked at me and put his arm around me. "My friend, let's just hope all goes well today. I had enough trouble from the teachers last week". He stood up and patted my head. He walked a few steps forward and he looked back. He winked and left.

I sat looking at him walk away, Yeah, let's hope all goes well today, I said to myself.

Night Ascending.

The only sound that could be heard were the footsteps behind me. I heard each step closing on me, I don't dare to turn behind, sweat drops from my forehead. I took a deep breath and moved forward.

The footsteps went silent. Nothing sounded that night, except for my breath. I felt a warm breeze on my neck, I stood still. Something in me made me turn to look behind, I turned my head. I only saw darkness, the road behind me was empty. I turned around, I wiped my sweat off my forehead. I turn to look at my left- a figure in black was standing there.

A flash of blue light and I was knocked down. I slowly got up, but something was keeping me down. I opened my eyes, and saw the dark figure with a rusted machete in his hand, he had his feet on my chest. I could feel his eyes were staring at me. He raised his arm, and swung down at me.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh! (laughs)

It is never easy letting go.
It is not hard getting hurt.

It takes courage to be released from fantasy;
and accept the pain of reality.

You sit there, a distance away,
I sit here watching, thinking

I ask myself
'What did I do wrong?"
"Did I fail somewhere?"
"Or, was it my own fault for not avoiding this problem before it took place?"

I look at myself,
my finger is pointing to me,
it was me, who wrought this
upon myself.

Wisdom says,
"If you love them, you would want the best for them"
and the best isn't me.

conscience sets in;
you have to move on.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Marry the ones we love or loving the ones we marry?

This question was posted up by our lecturer in Critical Thinking class:

Does a good marriage lie in marrying the man\woman you love or loving the man\woman you marry?

Read it again.

The first question that usually pops in one's mind is; is there a difference to it?
Yes, there is a difference in it. The former asks you whether a good marriage is based upon being with the one you love for the rest of your life. The second question asks you that whether a good marriage means being married to someone and then we are compelled to love them.

Marriage is a bond, may it be legal, emotional or spiritual; but a marriage is a bond of dedication and strength. To be married to someone else, is like giving your life away to the other person. A marriage is very courages thing for a man or woman to take up. It isn't as easy as it is.

In this modern society, marriage is often treated as a play-thing, a trend or so it seems. Many have failed in understanding the true meaning of marriage- whereby marriage is the gift of one self to another individual.

Now back to the question: Does marriage lie in marrying the one you love or loving the one you had married?

Marrying the one you love, is usually the answer for most. To completely give you life over to another person and making an unbreakable promise to the opposite party is the vast leap one has to take to make that marriage successful. Though, marrying the one you love, is a challenge itself; will the love inevitably last? Will it sustain till both of the couple rest in peace? Love between two people lasts only when both want it to last. If one of the two fails to love the other, then the mutual feeling for each other differs and problems, emotionally and socially persists. So the case now here is, to marry, are we going to love then forever, till eternity? Is the marriage going to last as long as we ourselves make it last.

Loving the one you marry, is another way to look at marriage. In this case, it refers to getting married first and then the effort to love him or her contrary to the previous question whereby that is loving the person then having to commit physically. In loving the person you marry, one has to completely tolerate and give in fully to the person that you have been binded with. It does not necessarily mean that you love that person or that person loves you back (in extreme cases) but is the commitment you have to make in making that marriage successful. Here we examine the course of nature that love brews when we are legally bound to the other party. Ask this to ourselves, if I were to marry him\her, will it work? Do I really want to give my life to him\her? Will I make it work?

Marriage is commitment where one has to make and not giving up so easily. Marrying usually depends on love and love depends on relying on each other. So what is marriage to you?

Love as defined by Robert Sternberg is divided into three main components: Intimacy, passion and commitment. In these three cases, a couples love is usually based on intimacy and passion, to intimacy and commitment and finally to commitment.

Marriage in this context is based on the modern society. The general public; where marriage is usually commercialized by the mass media. Nevertheless the bond and vow of marriage is still ever pure.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The lingo of cool?

Adapted from Mind Your English, The Star Newspaper January 28 2011.

The lingo of cool?

Using English may be deemed fashionable, but sometimes it ends up just being silly.

ONE of my students came back from Japan some time ago and gave me a piece of pie made from flaky pastry which was wrapped in clear plastic. I made myself a cup of tea, ripped the plastic and began to eat it.

As I was doing so, I began examining the wrapper, as I normally do when I am eating something new (not that the nutrition information had any effect on my decision to consume the pie). Beneath the words “Leaf Pie” was a description of the product. It read: “This aromatically baked pie with delicate sensibility accompanies with multi-layers repeatedly pailed up”. If seeing the calorie content of the pie earlier did not stop me in my tracks, reading the description certainly did. Can something be baked aromatically? A pie with delicate sensibility? I was stumped but not wanting to waste a good piece of pastry, I consumed every tiny morsel of it. The pie was gone within minutes but the description lingered on in my mind.

The funny thing was that a few days later, I received something in my mailbox – a flyer from a hypermarket, a leaflet promoting a new beauty saloon, and one interesting pamphlet from a local furniture outlet. The first two went straight to the bin but the last one seemed rather interesting. The furniture looked exclusive and would probably look better in a trendy townhouse rather than my own tired-looking terrace but I just could not let go of it.

The pamphlet was indeed impressive but sadly the same thing cannot be said about the text accompanying some of the products. Next to a nice dining set was the following description, if you could call it that: “There is gene filling around the view, it is as happiness, sweet and warm, and the thoughts are cleared in details. nobody knows where does confidence come from. Maybe it has thousands of resources, millions of embodiments, but when we are faced with the warm and real house, the confidence is easy to be found, placing myself into complete space, closing eyes, such as the extending branch, color stretching and white cloud disappearance field in deep heart becomes lovely soon ...”

I must have suffered extreme emotional distress and shock upon reading it, and consequently became temporarily insane because the next thing I knew, I was picking up the phone and calling the furniture outlet. The moment someone answered, I proceeded to tell her what was bugging me, and spent a good five minutes doing so.

At the end of my monologue, there was, for a moment, an eerie silence at the other end of the line. Then came a curt reply, “You want to buy what?”, a response that meant that there was really no point in continuing the conversation. So I hung up. (I kept the pamphlet, though, for it serves a purpose – whenever I go through my students’ assignments and feel horrified at the kind of English they were using, I would retrieve the pamphlet and compare that with my students’ work and suddenly all was well again).

The above are classic examples of English being used because it is seen as fashionable, because it lends an air of sophistication, and because of the mistaken belief that anything with English on it will look cool and trendy. In other words, words in English form part of the design. Whether or not the words make sense is a different matter altogether.

It is difficult to say whether what I’ve described above has anything to do with translation, as they appeared in only one language. However, I’ve seen signs with texts in both English and some other language that I’m pretty sure some form of translation must have taken place. I was at a bakery some time ago and while queuing up, I saw a sign which says “Tolong cuci sebelum anda meninggalkan tempat ini.” Beneath this sentence was its translation in English, which read: “Please keep cleaning before you leave this place.” I managed a small chuckle, and remembering the incident with the furniture store and not wanting to come across as a language police, I bit my lip, paid for my croissant and had a good laugh after that.

I honestly do not want to work at that particular bakery even if it were the last place on Earth to offer a decent job. Imagine all the cleaning I would have to do!

I’ve found similar signs with appalling translations in English on the Internet and I get so much enjoyment from them that sometimes after coming across some really funny ones, I laugh to myself, often with tears streaming down my face.

There was one sign which showed the picture of a woman in a bright orange life-vest, with her hands tugging at the cords attached to the vest. The picture came with texts in two languages, one of which was English, which I assumed was the translation since it appeared below the text in the foreign language. Although I did not understand the meaning of the original text, I’m sure it meant something like, “To manually inflate the life-vest, pull the connecting strings”. The translation, however, read: “Please pull a string when you swell manually”.

And then, there’s the sign in front of an elevator: “Do not use elevator, while causing fire”. An arsonist would take it that it’s fine to cause fire, provided that he uses the stairs.

If that’s not funny enough, the sign barring people from entering a construction site would definitely have you in stitches. The translation in English was: “During the work prohibition against penetration”. Although I can come up with at least two possible interpretations of the sentence, I’m pretty sure what it really meant was “Do not enter while work is in progress”.

The thing about translation is that it requires not just an understanding of the source language but also the ability to write well in the target language. And taking about writing well, I realised from looking at the website where I found all those funny signs that the misspellings of some food items sometimes achieve a certain unintended humour. How could you not laugh at a restaurant menu featuring “french flies”, “lice omlet”, “fried crap”, and to top it all “flesh juice“.

Of course, none can compete with that shop selling “uncared ham” (that poor neglected pig!). I think what it meant was “uncured ham”. And what about the water dispenser with labels specifying where people can get “HOT WALTER” and “CHILLED WALTER” (obviously, Walter’s been badly abused).

And then, there was a poster featuring an assortment of cheese, and in big bold letters were the words “CHEESE FEAR” (Aaaarghh! I’ve always been terrified of mozzarella and cheddar). Of course, what they really meant was “CHEESE FAIR”.

I discussed this with my son at home, hoping that I would be able to impress upon him the importance of being able to write and spell well. Later that same evening, we went out for dinner at a newly-opened restaurant not far from the house. What was meant to be a good time out with the family, dining on good food, soon turned into an opportunity for a spelling lesson. The children and I nevertheless really enjoyed our “lamp chop”. As for the husband, although the item he chose from the menu filled him with a certain amount of trepidation, he nevertheless found his “rip eye steak” to be extremely enjoyable.

> Dr Haslina Haroon is a lecturer in Translation Studies at the School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Project: Rain.

It was a dark afternoon that day in January. The clouds covered the bright afternoon sun, the wind was cold, it gave a tingly feeling when it touched the skin. Then, drops of water fell from the sky, bit by bit, and then just in an instant later, it rained. It rained so heavy that you couldn't even stand in the rain without getting slightly bruised. It kept on raining for awhile.

Mustafa Azim stood by the window inside his three storey house. Looking out into the dark afternoon sky. His back facing me, as I sat there clutching my laptop atop my lap as I rested my legs on the footstool. The room was furnished with a long table and a few chairs, two armchairs, which one of it I was sitting on, shelves of books and folios, a glass pane in the middle of the room drawn on complex equations and graphs, a large wall which was turn into a whiteboard, it too was stuck on by newspaper articles and numerous mathematical equation and a coffee machine on the counter by the door.

I put my laptop onto the side table, and stood up. I walked towards Mustafa, and held his shoulder. He didn't look back, he just stood there staring blankly into the dark afternoon.
I joined him and looked at the dark sky with him, then he slowly turned his head to me;

"Do you think this will work?"

I look back at him, my eyes narrowed, "Where is your faith my brother?"

He smiled and gave a slight nod. He turned and went to sit in one of the armchairs. He leaned back and stretched his arms behind his head. With my back facing him, I said,

"Look, Mustafa, it is only a matter of time before the government notices our contributions to the country. I mean how rich can people be?"

I heard him giving out a small grunt. He and I both knew that one day or another the government will give in to our project. Everyone knew that this is a project that no other country will turn down. The only thing that kept us from selling our technology to the Americans, Russians or the EU was our patriotism. We believed that our mother land, Malaysia will give their full support in this.

But now we have doubts.

"Our own country funded us with fifteen million Ringgit; and how much did they fund that ridiculous movie about a teenage love gone wrong in Johor? twenty-five million!?" Mustafa said it clearly with contempt in his voice.

I turned to look at him. He was right, the government funded tax payers money on entertainment more on science research. I swallowed the truth. I walked towards one of the glass panels in the middle of the room. I touched the panel with a finger. It gave a soft hum, then a screen appeared before me, it showed a blue glowing sphere, I touched the middle of it. Immediately the room brightened a little, the afternoon sun shone through the dark clouds, though scarce, the warmth could be felt.

Mustafa stood up, "Well, either us or them are idiots, this technology can save lives!"

I stared at the window, a wave of doubt flowed over me. What are we doing selling this to a government who has no interest in saving the world? I sighed and went to sit again.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Solemnity no more.

  1. She walks past my classroom, I sit by the window, as I sit and look outside the window, she returns my glance. We share a smile then she walks off, I return to my books.
  2. In the morning, as I enter my class I put my knapsack down, and I quickly walk to the other class beside. I see her sitting there by herself. I sit opposite her, we smile and just look at each other.
  3. I see her sitting there at the canteen table, she sits there with her best friend, as I approach the table, she looks at me and franticly waves at me with a big smile on her face. Then she returns her look to the guy opposite her.
These were the days. I used to be head over heels over these people. What have they done, basically nothing to me, but I started to realize how perfect they were if they were more into my life.

All of them, though not knowing how I felt for them shared a connection with me. We were all close friends. And the one thing that they did not know, was that they give me a hard time sleeping at night, rolling and turning at 3 a.m. without getting a shut-eye. Day and night at some point they sit beside me in my mind. I lose focus on reality and start imagining them beside me. I used to dream hard and well about them; these people were so close to me, if only we were to get closer.

I'll just be frank. I loved them very much. I admired their traits and no doubt any guy would be wanting them to be theirs'.

All of my past foolishness of dreaming of them now are gone. Vanished over time as I realize that it is just a waste of energy and grey matter to ponder from dawn to dusk about them. Having an empty dream and a future that is fake isn't a thing to do when life promises more than that.

"There are many fishes in the sea"

Hardly am I comparing them sea life but true the words are. High school isn't the place to fall completely in love, it is an undying yearning as an adolescent a wanting to of hormones nothing more.

And yes, I still befriend them, but the feelings of a guy madly in love with a girl is no more. I still admire them, but the wanting of them being mine, exclusively mine has faded. I have lost the feeling of palpitation whenever I see them, I am less invigorated whenever I come close to them. Yes, the feeling of love is still there, no doubt, but the love has evolved to another level, that is friendship and nothing more than that.

The reason so this has happened because, time moves forward and so have I. I have realised that this kind of puppy love is only for awhile. Also, never would I have ever had the chance with any of them. This feeling fades as I learn from another close friend of mine. This friend was frank with me, she told me what I needed to hear and she trusted me, telling me what she felt about their feelings. I am not blaming her for the lost feeling of love towards the 1, 2, and 3 but rather making me more mature and letting me believe in things that are really in reality.

"The Love of a teenager is no more, only the spirit of true friendship forever"

P\S: Only out of the initial three, only the third girl was the closest to me, and who I loved the most. And the one who made me realize reality could be the 4th (in a relationship of true reliable friendship)

Number notes: The numbers represents the people who I fell for.