Friday, April 8, 2011

Values of Friendship.

Life, no matter how sweet or bitter it is, we must endure and stay resilient. In these experiences; there is just some things that in life we must always never take for granted. I learned that one thing that we must always treasure and appreciate is our friendship. Friendships may sound light, but the value, of pure friendship is rare and sometimes, it takes a lot of time to find it.

I have learned that my friends are not here forever. This is why, it is important to keep them close to your heart and appreciate every moment with them. Only with them, we will feel secure because we know that no matter what they will be here for us. Should they abandon us, we must never do so, it is because then one day they will know how much they mean to us.

Beneath the arrogance and condescending attitude, I need my friends. I need them because, in a way they are the ones, that keep me going, the people in my life. To this, I realize that without them I am rather lonely and a little sad.

It is not my insecurity that makes me feel this way, but it is the confidence that my friends give that make me that they are other people out there who are worth keeping; and to keep them is to treasure them. I have lost friends before, and yet they give me the second chance, this is why I believe that these is who I have to keep. Never before this, it has occurred to me that everyone here can be relied on or even trusted.

"Friends come in and out of your life"

True. But some are to be kept forever.

In fact, there are many ways that one can lose a friend, a breakup, a denial, an abandoning, through time and even through death. Though I haven't loss any friend through death, but through spirit I have. And because of this, I have learned to appreciate the people around me. It is a heartfelt feeling when you know your friend is there, but you can't get to see him or her anymore.

Never lose touch when someones trusts you, treasure every moment with them. Although I may never be the one to show gratitude, but I am striving and learning. I have learned now, that I need them, I need my friends to stay afloat in life.

I am sorry,
I should have known better;
but sometimes emotions take place.
I wish you all the best,
remember me when you make a name,
and when you see-
an opportunity,
go for it.

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