Friday, December 31, 2010
The Final entry:2010
It has been one momentous year.
This year, has probably been one of the best years of my life so far. I have no regrets whatsoever and I will have no doubts that I will look upon 2010 over the years to come. This year, has been a great adventure for me and I am proud to look back on it and say, yes I have spent it well.
The very most important thing that I have learnt throughout this year is the love I have received. The love from the most two important people in my lives; mom and dad. Both of you have been here for me, making me a better man. I can't say much, but I love you both. I know, that I have been obnoxious and always rude against you all, but my love for you guys shall never waiver.
The other love I have learnt this year- are from friends. My friends no matter what I say or do, they are a few who are there for me. My friends from school especially, you guys have really been my support when the rest peckers and scowl at me. There are some of you, who no matter what still stuck by my side. Initially some of you were my enemies at first but as time goes by, as the months past we became close friends who I could rely on. And there are some of my friends, who made me knew love, love in the sense of affection; the whole year I fell in love, and even in the very last month there is you still here. You really make me see things more clearly besides the palpitation you gave me or the insomnia, you were frank with me and we got close.
My teachers, thank you, what and where would I be if weren't for you. All of my teachers, I can proudly say, I have no animosity towards any of you. Gurus you all have been.
The clock ticks to midnight. 2011 approaches. I look back at 2010, I look back at the decade and I can say, life well spent. Now all I have to do is look forward.
"Don't ask what the next year has in store for us, rather ask what can we do to make the next year for us"
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Don't do it!
Do not be an idiot!
(to simply put it)
Don't go down that road again. Don't be a fool.
It is not fair for her (or him)
Get out before it is too late.
(Eyes wide)
Stop looking at her (or him)!
Just don't.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Christ-mas
Christmas 2010.

Is it just me, or Christmas this year is not the same as the previous years before. As far as I am concerned the Birth of Christ which is actually Christmas itself has loss its essence. Even the commercial Christmas of Santa Claus, Lady Santas (or Santarinas) and towering trees, has loss its essence and feel to make it really into the feeling.
Why is it so?
Is it because Christmas has loss its way of people to make money?
Or is it because people has loss the essence of Christmas, e.g. caroling, gift exchanging and so forth?
Has Christmas become too solemn for most people?
Well, what ever Christmas may be; let us not forget that Christmas is no doubt the ultimate holiday for us to share and appreciate others. Also never forget that Christmas is the celebration of His' birthday.
They asked''
I was sitting next to 'them'.
They asked me, one question "Why are you so strict and fierce when we are at school, but here you are so different, kind, gentle".
I looked at them, and gave a shy smile, "Well, first we're not at school. And second I'm with you, how could I do what I do at school?"
They looked at me and gave a smile.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
They asked'
They asked me, why are you so sad leaving school? You should be overjoyed.
The answer came with only a smile towards them.
But the real answer, I said to myself, I'm sad because I'm leaving a person I love.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
9221 Bible Knowledge notes Acts Of the Apostles Paul's second MJ
This is regarding the 2nd Missionary Journey of St. Paul which takes place from Acts 15:36- 18:22.
Chapter 15
Paul and Barnabbas decided to check up on the towns they visited during the 1st Missionary Journey.
Barnabbas had took John Mark with him and went to Cyprus
Paul had taken Silas and went to Syria and Cilicia
Chapter 16
Paul went to Derbe and Lystra where he found Timothy
Timothy: Christian, Christian mother but Greek father, the believers in Iconium and Lystra spoke well of him.
They went through the towns strengthening their faiths.
Paul, Silas, Timothy and the rest traveled through Phyrgia and Galatia
The Holy Spirit did not allow them to travel to Asia
The Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go to Bithynia (East of Mysia)
So they went to Troas
Where at night Paul had a vision of a Macedonian standing and begging them to go to their help
After this, they got ready and went to Macedonia
On the Sabbath, they went to the riverside where they sat down and started to preach to the women gathered there.
There was Lydia from Thyatira who was a dealer in purple cloth, she had worshiped God and the Lord had opened her mind to listen to Paul's saying
She invited them to stay at her house after being baptised.
One day, they all went to a place of prayer.
There was a girl with an evil spirit which allowed her to predict the future.
She followed Paul and "Us" (whereby "us" refers to Timothy, Silas and Luke)
She kept on saying that these men are the servants of the Most High God and announce how if the people were to follow these men they will be saved.
Paul became upset and ordered the Spirit to come out of her.
Her owners became very angry because they had lost a source of income.
They had seized Paul and Silas, dragged them to the authorities at the Public Square.
They brought them before the Roman officials and accused them of teaching customs that were against the Law.
The officials stripped Paul and Silas.
Whipped them.
Had them thrown into jail.
A jailer had thrown them into the inner cell.
Their feet were fastened with heavy blocks of wood.
At midnight: Paul and Silas were singing hymns to God while the other prisoners were listening.
Then suddenly there was a violent earthquake.
The doors of the prison had opened and the chains fell off the prisoners.
The jailer woke up and took a sword to kill himself.
Paul shouted to not to do that.
The jailer called for some light and fell to Paul's and Silas' feet, he asked them what must he do to be saved.
They said he must believe in the Lord Jesus.
They preached the Word of God to the jailer's family and the jailer cleaned their wounds. The whole family got baptised.
Next morning, police officers sent by the Roman officials with the orders to release Paul and Silas.
Paul said to the officers that he wanted the Roman officials themselves to apologize to them for they are Roman officials.
They came and apologized.
They went back to Lydia's place.
Chapter 17
Paul and Silas traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia to Thessalonica.
When they had arrived there they had went to the synagogues, and for 3 Sabbaths they held discussions and explained the Scriptures.
The Jews got jealous and they had gathered loafers. They formed a mob and created an uproar int the city. They attacked a man's home- Jason to find Paul and Silas but they had fail. Then they dragged the followers out of Jason's house and brought them to the authorities. The authorities made Jason and the other followers to pay a required amount and was set free.
At night the followers sent Paul and Silas to Berea
At Berea, the people were more open minded, listened to Paul's teaching and kept checking the Scriptures to see whether Paul's sayings were true.
The Jews from Thessalonica came and started a riot in Berea.
The believers had Paul sent to the coast and they sent him off to Athens. He left a message to Silas and Timothy that they should join him as soon as possible.
Silas and Timothy had stayed back.
When Paul arrived in Athens he was very upset over the city's worship of idols.
He had debated with Epicurean and Stoic teachers.
He went to the Aeropagus and gave a speech.
Some had made fun of him while there are some that listened.
Dysonias and Damaris converted.
Chapter 18
Paul left Athens and went to Corinth
He then met Aquila and Priscilla from Italy.
He met them because Emperor Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome.
Paul stayed and worked with them. He made a living by making tents.
Every Sabbath he went and held discussions in the synagogues.
Timothy and Silas had joined him now.
Paul preached and the Jews opposed him and said evil thing about him.
They went to a house of Titus Justus where his house was next to a synagogue and the leader was Crispus.
At night Paul had a vision where the Lord said to him to not be afraid, keep on speaking and do not give up. No one is able to harm him because the people were His'.
Paul stayed here for about a year and a half.
Gallio was now the new governor of Achaia.
The Jews brought Paul before him.
He dismissed them.
The Jews then took Sosthenes and beat him up.
Paul Stayed with the believers in Corinth for many months. Then he went to the port of Cenchrea where he had shaved his head for a vow.
He went to Ephesus where he left Aquila and Priscilla.
He then ventured to Ceaserea, on to Jerusalem where he greeted the Church
and Finally he went on to Syria in Antioch.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
9221 Bible Knowledge notes GASt.L Part 1
If you are taking the 9221 Bible Knowledge for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia 2010. These 'guides' may be rather useful. These are not "spotted" questions but rather major topics that may come out after doing the analysis for a period of 16 years (from 1993 to 2009). We'll start off with the Gospel According to St. Luke.
Birth of Jesus announced (Lk 2:1-7)
- Emperor Augustus' reign*
- Ordered a census to be carried out
- Quirinius was the governor of Syria
- Everyone went to register themselves at their hometown
- Joseph went from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Birthplace of Kind David)*
- He went to register with Mary- who was promised in marriage to him*
- She was pregnant*
- It was time for her to give birth while they were in Bethlehem*
- She gave first to her first born son, wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger*
- There was no room for them to stay in the inn*
The Shepherds and Angels (Lk 2: 8- 20)
- Shepherds in their fields that night taking care of their flocks
- An angel appeared to them- They were afraid
- The angel said to them: Don't be afraid! I am here with good news for you, which will bring great joy to all the people. This very day in David's town your Saviour was born- Christ the Lord! And this will prove it to you; you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
- Great army of heaven's angels appeared, singing praises to God
- "Glory to God in the Highest heaven, and peace to on earth to those whom he is pleased"
- When the angels went back, the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem
- They hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby in the manger
- The shepherds told them what the Angels had said
- Mary remembered all these things and thought deeply about them
- The shepherds went back singing praises to God for what they had seen and heard just as the angels has said.
The Temptations of Jesus (Lk 4:1- 13)
- Jesus returned from River Jordan full of the Holy Spirit
- Led by the Spirit into the dessert
- He was tempted by the Devil for 40 days.
- During that time he ate nothing, so after that he was very hungry when it was over
- The first temptation: The Devil tempted Jesus if He is God's son he can turn some stones into bread.
- Jesus' rebuttal: Human beings cannot live on Bread alone
- The second temptation: Took Him to a high place and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. He tempted Jesus that all these have been handed over to him an all the wealth and power will be Jesus' if He worshiped him (the Devil).
- Jesus said: Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him
- The third temptation: Taking Jesus to the highest point on the Jerusalem Temple. and said to him if Jesus is the son of God, he should throw himself down and God will order the angels of heaven to take good care of Jesus that not even is feet shall be hurt by the stones.
- Jesus answered: Do not put your God to the test
- after this the Devil finished tempting Jesus in every way, he left Him
Jesus Calls the First Disciples (Lk 5:1-11)
- Jesus was standing at the shore of Gennesaret
- The people pushed through to listen to the word of God
- He saw two boats and the fishermen were washing their nets
- Jesus got into Simon's boat and asked him to push off a little from the shore
- Jesus sat in the boat and started preaching
- When he was done, he said to Simon to push his boat further into deep water and with his partners let down their nets.
- Simon said that they had worked hard all night long and had caught nothing. But if He says so they will do it.
- They caught such a large number of fish
- The nets were about to break
- They motioned to their partners to help them
- They filled the boats with the fishes that now the boat was about to sink.
- Simon Peter saw what had happened and fell on his knees before Jesus
- He told Jesus to go away from him for he is a sinful man!
- Simon Peter and the others were amazed at the large number of fish that they had just caught
- The same happened to James and John the sons of Zebedee.
- Jesus said to Simon: Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching people
- They left everything and followed Jesus.
Jesus heals a Man (Lk 5: 12 -16)
The first miracle as recorded by the Gospel of St. Luke*
- In a town
- A man suffering from a dreaded skin disease
- He threw himself down before Jesus
- "Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean!"
- Jesus touched him
- "Be clean!"
- Jesus then said to the man not to tell anyone about this but rather go the priest and let him examine you. Then to prove that you are cured offer up sacrifices as Moses has ordered.
- The news of Jesus spread fast
- More wildly people came to get healed from their disease and to listen to him.
- He went to lonely places to pray.
Jesus Raises a Widow's Son (Lk 7: 11-17)
- After healing the Roman Officer's Servant at Capernaum, Jesus went to a town called Nain
- He was accompanied by his disciples and a large crowd.
- As he arrived at the town's gate, a funeral was coming out.
- The dead man was a widow's son and a large crowd from the town followed her.
- When Jesus saw her, his heart was full of pity.
- He told her not to cry
- He walked over to the coffin and touched it.
- He said "Young man! Get up, I tell you!"
- The dead man sat up and began to talk.
- All the people were afraid and praised God.
- They said a great prophet has appeared among them and God has come to save them
- The news about Jesus went through all the country and surrounding territory.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
It isn't over.
No, SPM is not over for me yet. My last paper will be on the 16th of December, Thursday. Probably the hardest subject for me: Bible Knowledge. Yes, I know, most people never heard of this subject, let alone know the existence of it. Many people would also not take it at all because this is one of the subjects where getting A+ is virtually impossible. But nevertheless, it is my 10th SPM subject.
Most Malaysian students age 17 has already completed their FINAL exam after 11 years of schooling. To them I say congratulations. To the few thousand left who has either 3, 2, or 1 more paper left; I say work hard, strive, this is it! If you didn't do THAT well with the others, take your time now and work for these\this last paper(s).
What else is there to say?
SPM was fun, truth be told I wasn't as worried or cold feet-ed, as I was for the UPSR and my PMR. Which is not important at all!
Talking about that, have you ever noticed how people make such a big fast over the other two minor government exam whereas the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia is the biggest and life-changing exam. Strange and ironic if you ask me.
Well, wish me luck people!
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