One of the rarest subject out there, it is on the brink of being demolished. Yet this is a beautiful subject. One of the very few subjects that touches the field of religion. No other religion except Islam's (and its sister subjects) have a SPM paper to be sited for.
This Bible Knowledge has a syllabus like any ordinary SPM subject out there. It cover two books of the Bible's New Testament. Namely
- The Gospel according to St. Luke
- The Acts of the Apostles
The primary aim of this subject is to promote the fundamental knowledge of the Christian Church. This subject is not confined only to Christians but open to everyone. Sadly though, no other than Christians have taken it. Every year the number of candidates seem to be dropping! This is a catastrophe. Yes, this subject is rather hard, but it is easy if you understand and remember it well. Similar to Sejarah.
Talking about Sejarah, the paper is very similar to Sejarah Kertas II. Yup, very similar. Section A has 8 questions, context; and Section B essays, choose 4 out of 8. That's all!

(top) This is the Acts of The Apostles, the Catholic Version
(below) This version is the Christian's version, it is very highly detailed

Both have the same content. Yes, the Bible is such a thick book, so why only Luke's Gospel and The Acts?
Well, because these books provide the early ministry of Lord Jesus. It shows His teachings and his journey until his crucifixion. The Acts shows the expansion of the Early Church, from the journey of Peter and Paul. Both books resemble the infant days of the church, and the significance it has now on the world.
It is a wonderful subject, yes many tertiary education centers do not recognize this subject, and that is very sad. This is a wonderful subject and it should not be omitted from the list of SPM electives.